So today is my birthday. Isn't it amazing as the years start to pile up, how one's outlook on birthdays changes. Youthful excited anticipation, slowly gives way to subtracting the year you were born from the current one so that you can figure out how old you will be, and sadly they don't sell birthday candles in bulk packaging.
Remember the games? Like bobbing for apples, musical chairs, and pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey?

All your friends were there, dressed in their finest and ready to play even more games after the obligatory "group" pic

(hee, are we having fun yet?)
After the games, usually we opened the gifts, expressing gratitude for what we received
After the gifts came the festive birthday meal - usually hotdogs, potato chips and birthday cake with icecream.

That was then, this is now. So far today, I've done laundry, run some errands, and hope to get in my studio soon. Nothing is planned, hubby has to work late. But, that is okay. The sun is shining, the girls are coming home on the weekend and we are going to have a bbq and celebration then. In the meantime, I'm just thankful that I am one year older (no wiser though) and have so much in life to enjoy and appreciate. The date of the day is not what is important. Let every day be your birthday!
To anyone else out there marking a birthday today or any day this month, many happy wishes to you.
Happy Birthday Dear Friend.
Yahoo.... I love birthdays and I want tons more.
I kept laughing at the hats in the pictures. I sure hope that you aren't wearing one today.
Could you please go up to a mirror and give yourself a kiss, and know that it is from me.
Love Renee and have a great day.
Happy Birthday Sue:) Mine was 2 days ago!!
Hope you have a wonderful day and I think you SHOULD wear the hat!!! LOL
Have a great day my friend
Yay! Wooo Hooo! Another May~Baby! Happy Birthday Sue! Mine's coming up in 10 days...and you're ever so right about "subtracting the year you were born from the current one so that you can figure out how old you'll be"! That made me laugh out loud!!! Love those pics too! LOL!
Have a great day today...even though you did have to do laundry (bleck) and have a wonderful upcoming weekend with your family!
Enchanted Birthday Blessings,
Happy Birthday Sue! I hope you're weekend is great.
P.S. My birthday was last month and it's gotten so I have to think of how old I am now :)
Happy Birthday to you, happy Birthday to you, happy Birthday dear sue, happy Birthday to you!
(it's a good thing you can't hear me sing, sounds like Fran Drescher on acid)
I hope you'll have the most wonderful Birthday.
Happy Birthday make yourself a cake or something!
You share your birthday with my daughter Willow, who is 21, so Happy Birthday to you and to Willow where ever you are!
Happy Birthday to you!! Love the pictures! I think that I have some that are very similar, although I was likely sporting my new Toni permanent, looking as though I had just stuck my finger in an electrical socket! (do they still have home perms??) I hope that you enjoyed your special day, and there were some "treats" in there somewhere! The more birthdays you have, the longer you live!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend... I sure hope you enjoyed your special day!
Belated Happy Birthday Sue!! I almost missed it and probably you are in bed already cuz it is now 11:20 over here in the west ... hope it was a good day...
Nope..I'm still up (I'm a night owl). Thank you everyone for your wonderful wishes! I really appreciate them. I did have a great day and I'm looking forward to a fabulous weekend.
happy belated b-day!
and in the end
it's not the YEARS in your life that count
it's the LIFE in the your years!
A. Lincoln
Hi Sue!! Happy Belated birthday sweetie!!! :) I hope you had a wonderful day and since its so close to the weekend, it most certainly makes this a Birthday Weekend!! :) Enjoy it!
Big hugs,
Happy, Happy Birthday, Sue!!
May this next year be full of love, laughter & JOY!
Happy Birthday Sue!
Have a wonderful time this weekend as you celebrate the life of one of the warmest bloggers I know!!!
Happy Belated Birthday dear heart! I hope you had a wonderful day and those pictures are hysterical!
Ooooh, I'm late to this party! Happy Birthday Friend :) I'm sure if you listen closely, Noel will whisper Happy Birthday :)
Here's a thought: Birthdays are not a marker of how old we are getting--but how long we have been able to exist on the planet--in spite of it all! ;)
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Sue! Wow, so you were born on the same day as my shop. Clever ;] I can't forget your bday.
♪♫ Happy Birthday Day to you ♪♫
subtracting your birth year from the the year to see how old you are...hahahaha. I always say I am year younger, and then my husband corrects me. oops. Oh how time flies!
Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday To You
In my best singing voice....
And I so get what you mean about birthdays and the way we change!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE! I like the one year older no wiser part, lol. Boy do I feel that every year, hope you have a great weekend with your girls-- we're def. going to have the weather for it in fair Ontario
Happy belated Birthday to you, hHappy belated Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Sue, Happy Birthday to you!
Sorry I missed THE day but right now I'm sending you good b-day vibes and wishing you another fabulous 365 days around the sun!!!
hug, hug
ps...of course you're wiser, no doubt about it!
Gosh, thank you so much everyone!
Hugs to all!
Happy Birthday Sue! Hope it was a wonderful day for you!
Happy Happy Happy Day, sweet Sue!
Hope this is your best year yet.
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