Obviously, not a cold. Obviously a flu bug. Influenza is relatively
uncommon in the summer months, except for the new kid on the block, H1N1 (Swine flu) which seems to be having a party. Do I have swine flu?
Unless you are showing signs of extreme severity, i.e. shortness of breath, chest pains, ERs and doctors don't want you going to see them - they suggest lots of liquids, lots of rest and let it run it's course. In some cases they will prescribe an antiviral (tamiflu) to help the symptoms. Canada, like so many other countries, is no longer tracking the mild/moderate cases of swine flu. They are only testing those that end up in the ER and hospitals.
Whatever it is I have, I felt absolutely rotten for two days and spent most of Wednesday and yesterday in bed. I'm slowly starting to feel better today, had a shower - and felt even better
.....did I mention that you sweat like crazy with this thing? Still feel very weak and fatiqued, but I think my fever is finally gone and my throat doesn't feel sore anymore. The cough? It's a dry niggling one and still here, but not as frequent.
I've not been able to follow everyone's blogs the way I so enjoy and I'm looking forward to catching up over the weekend!
Take your vitamens and get the proper sleep everyone (something I was NOT doing). This bug is nasty.