There are currently 65 pages on this site with multiple submissions of various forms of taxidermy. Some are bizarre, some are inventive, some are just plain BAD. This site is great for those that work in the fantasy realm, as even some of the really bad stuffed critters, could possibly spark an idea. For those that like to create anthropomorphic creatures, again, some good reference on this site.

I have some more sites I've found to share with you over the next few days and then I have to hit the studio and start work. Hubby has been off for vacation this week (and next week), and I've been busy with him. I do think all this web surfing has lured my muse back though..... yaaaaayyy!
When I posted this I had only gone through several pages on the site. I just finished going through the whole site and while I did see some things that I found fascinating (most of it was works by other artists), by the last page I was also feeling rather nauseous. I love animals, and this emotion fought with my quest to find some ideas. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post - the site is definitely not for everyone.