It's that time of year - The fresh promise of Spring is in the air, but we are still (those of us in Northern climes anyway), dealing with some ugly dirty vestiges of snow patches, wet and mucky
ground, and chilly grey days with the random day that Mr. Sun smiles on us. What to do? Well, you could Spring Clean (laughs hysterically), could stretch your wings abit and take anonline class.
My very talented friend Kerin of Remnants of Olde has just posted about some fascinating looking online classes offered by the incredibly artistic JoAnnA Pierotti of Moss Hill Studios. Visit Moss Hill Studios and check out the workshops offered. Here are some teaser pics:

Haha, Sue, I knew great minds think alike. I also LOVE Remnants of Olde! Ahh, dearie, I woud love to take a class but am low in the budgetary fund, so I'll keep an eye out in the future :)
Sue, I know a few people who have taken her class...Joanna is one of my team members over at Nancye's Art Dolls and she makes fantastic dolls. I wish I could take her workshop, but I'm spread a little thin here of late. May be in the Summer I will take one of her workshops. I would love to take the Bottle Workshop.
Thanks for posting this information! Have a great Sunday!
I would love to take a class from Joanna... I'm not sure about now tho...
I love the "teasers" you've put out there... they are really fantastic!
I too would love to take the bottle workshop....
I'm sorry for the weather as it is out where you are....
we are having terrible wind and rain storms but not snow...
One day I will be able to take any and all online classes I've ever dreamed of taking ... hopefully way sooner than later. The teaser photo's make me think it's going to be a great class - am wishing it's full to the brim!
I will be checking out this blog and the classes. Not able to take any classes at the moment, but hopefully, someday!
Hi Sweetness! You are more than kind. I hope to meet you in person someday and give you the biggest hug ever!
And I do plan to acknowledge your blog award so I hope you haven't given up on me. I'm just a bit challenged picking the blogs and such.
Your friend and admirer,
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