Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Finally Breached The Mess

I held my breath, cranked up my courage and opened the door to my little studio last night. April and May have been particularly busy with a lot of birthdays and anniversarys, and thus a lot of pieces being created as gifts. I have not posted pics as I know some of the recipients follow this blog (you know who you are *grin*).

Anyway, when I work, I must start with everything organized and then within 10 minutes, chaos has returned to my 8 x 10 room. I don't generally put things away as I work (bad habit). Did a fast tidy-up last night and started 3 Kindreds. At this point, I know I want to do a darker, gothy one.

I also started and almost finished the sculpting for my ADO Challenge piece. For the last challenge, I didn't get finished until the last day....I would really like to be earlier this time. The challenge is to do a piece (or 4) based on the elements, Earth, Wind, Water and Fire. I'm a Taurus, so of course, I am going to do Earth.

I had to use my old camera for these pics while my new one was charging - sorry for the graininess.

I'm hoping to go to an estate auction tomorrow, so probably won't get much done on any of these pieces, but will try to post pics
as I continue on them.

Hope everyone had a creative day!


Anonymous said...

I love your the start of your Taurus Element Doll...
I'm a Cancer... And I get tired of doing the water thing as I think I'm really an earth person... living in the dessert is where I'd be happiest. I alway s love your kindred spirits...

Estate auction!!!!! I want to go~~~~

Renee said...

These are fantastic Sue. Wow the hands and the feet and then the cheekbones.

I am sorry to hear that your daughter has a chronic illness. It is very hard when our children don't feel well isn't it.

My oldest daughter has systemic lupus and when she was 22 she had to have 3 years of chemo for it.

I hate lupus.

Love Renee xoxoxo

Denise said...

this looks great! the detail on the feet and hands are awesome! I am anxious to see how she comes along. I chose Fire and Water. I am a Pisces and love water. My Fire piece is done, I am going to start water next.

Tristan Robin said...

so you're back in the studio! hurrah!

already, lovely detail - what precious feet!

looking forward to more, More, MORE, MORE!

3rdEyeMuse said...

your pieces are always worth the wait ... I look forward to seeing the next update on your earth piece. :)

Unknown said...

Wow love your WIPS!! Such detail, and beautiful too. Can't wait to see more!!

Anonymous said...

Your challenge doll looks fantastic! I love the details down to the little finger and toe nails.

Judy C said...

Well done!!!!!!!

Zan Asha said...

Hehee Sue, I am messy in my studio, also. Your dolls are so fantastically detailed an intricate--just beautiful!

A question: are the Elements dolls supposed to be finished before we sign up? I feel like I've missed something there...

Unknown said...

wow Sue! your elements challenge piece is look great!

Marie Patterson Studio said...

Your element doll is awesome....can't wait to see more!
Estate sale???? that sounds like FUN!
Show us what you get!

dollproject said...

Yay! Wonderful WIPs. I haven't been creating much lately either. Too much going on. We do what we can!

The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

Ohhhhhh how your Studio is happy again...you breathed life back into it! It has missed you and we have missed seeing your amazing talented hands at work! Welcome back to the Studio Madness...get ready...it's going to take you away ...LOL Love ya

Lezlei Ann Young said...

I continue to be amazed! Those hands and feet are unbelievably life-like. Glad I have my very own "Barton Original"...smart purchase!



julie said...

Sue, look at you!! Your talent is amazing...!!!!
just amazing!!!