"May thy sweet blossoms never cease to bloom in love and trust and peace"

Well, I'm Canadian, and I get the general 'gist' behind the American Memorial Day long weekend, however have never actually looked into the history of this day. The first Memorial Day was designated as May 30, 1868 and was to honour the fallen Union and Confederate soldiers of the US Civil War. It is now traditionally celebrated on the last Monday in May and honours all men and women that have served and given their lives for their country. Memorial Day is formally known as Decoration Day - a time to reflect and decorate the graves and tombs of these brave people. Americans as a whole are a patriotic bunch and probably already knew the above, however I did not know that this Day originated just after the Civil War.
I'm sure that as with our Canada Day long weekend celebrated in May, this US holiday also signals the chance to welcome the warmer months of summer and to perhaps get away from it all. I hope that if you are going to the cottage, or just staying home, you all get a chance to watch a parade

Perhaps listen to a couple of veterans speak
and/or pay your respects to one of the fallen who have made the ultimate sacrifice

I want to wish everyone Stateside a most wonderful and safe weekend and also wanted to share this incredible video from MSNBC showing how a group of people and surgeons are basically giving the lives back to gravelly injured soldiers. Heartwarming.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
I'm so glad you posted this,it really did my heart good as my brother-in-law is in the services. He's been in for 20years now and is a devoted soldier to our country. Warm regards Pearl
fitting post - thanks
me? it means flashbacks to being raised an Army brat, pride in my father and my brother for following in such such extraordinairy footsteps. Thank you for your kind & thoughtful wishes.
Really easy to forget what these holidays are all about when we are used to them being the "kick off" for summer, whether you are in the States, or just hearing about it. Thanks for the reminder of the reason for Memorial Day....
I really appreciate the reminder of just what this Memorial Day Holiday is for. My husband is a Vietnam Veteran, and sometimes I think we forget the sacrifices made so we can stay free.
Take care,
Dessa Rae
I'M Canadain also and I found your post most interesting, I am also writing to you to thanks you for the kind words you wrote to me on my blog about my back surgery due in June. Thank you for taking the time to so so, It did me tremendous good to know that some people do feel something about the women behind the giveaway blog lol...
Here's hoping that' she will be back stronger and better.
thanks again.
Thank you Sue for this post..So many have given the dearest thing they had..their lives for all of us for so many years..They are still giving today..everyone need to take a moment and give thanks to these unsung heros...Have a great weekend Sue and Thanks again for you lovely post.
How wonderful that you, as a Canadian, took the time to find out and honor what Memorial Day is all about. I think few Americans do and we should. My husband is Canadian and we lived there (Regina,Sask) for the first 5 years we were married. I love Canadians and it was wonderful experience to live there. Two of my children were born there. Sue, thank you for coming by my blog and leaving comments. It is so generous of you and I always look forward to reading what you think. You bless us all. Take care, Tammy
War is such a stupid thing, and it is so important us not to forget the men that every day are sacrifising their lives, the lives of their family to make the difference in this world...we owe evrything to them...I go every year to Anzio, oi the American Cemerety, to bring a flower to an american soldier I dont ever know...he was so young when he came here to die in a country that was not his own and for a cause that was someone else's...Just to set us free, to make us have hope...He's name was Louard Miller,from Alabama... he was so young when he died....so unfair...I really love that guy...I feel like I know him...So thank you for giving me the opportunity to say thank you, for the very first time to this incredible man I alywas pray for...And toall the others the graves are full of...hugs, spery
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