Nancy on her 2nd birthday. I'm going to do one of two things here - face dive into the cake or push her face into it. I can't remember just what happened (probably nothing as I'm sure mom and/or Dad intervened. LOL)
I have one sister, Nancy. Nanc is 2.5 years younger than me, however once we hit our late teens and to the present, I've always felt like the younger sister. Nancy is a very deep thinker, very philosophical and tends to take things much more seriously than I do. Of the two of us, she has always been the mature one. Me? Even in my middle age...perpetually immature.
This past Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. my sis Nancy and her eldest daughter, Kelsey arrived from Vancouver. They had travelled east to Ontario for Kelsey's graduation ceremony from Guelph University and also as Kelsey was receiving a special award of excellence in her studies.

Nanc and Kels
We don't see each other often (due to the 5 hour plane journey separating us) and even though our visit was short, it was wonderful to just sit and chat and get caught up. Sure, we speak on the phone and email, however there is something special about chatting face to face.
Nancy also inherited artistic genes from our parents. Infact, I feel she is more talented than I am. She is very diversified and over the years has worked with textile arts (weaving, felting, quilting, etc), paper creations, and pottery. Her prime focus now is still pottery. She incorporates her love of, and the spirituality of west coast nature into her creations. Where she lives in Vancouver is very close to the ocean and she also has an old growth forest nearby........what utopic places to walk! Kelp, shells, driftwood, stones, fungi, nothing is safe from her collector spirit when she is on one of her daily walks. Nanc has exhibited in several galleries in the BC area and below are some of the pieces she had in the most recent show.

I absolutely love her work! It is organically beautiful and I'm so proud that I have several of her pieces for my own collection
Her creative time is limited at the moment due to a very demanding fulltime job, but I know that whenever she can she is into the clay. To see more of Nancy's work you can visit her website
And finally,
I love this pic - it reminds me of when Nanc and I were (alot) younger and played dress-up with mom's old dresses and our favorite dolls.
What a great post Sue..You are very fortunate to have a sister that you are close too...And what a talented family you have..Nancy's work is beautiful..very earthy..The pictures you posted of her work are stunning..I am off now to see her website..Thank you for this...
What a wonderful post and tribute to your sister. I can tell there's a lot of love there. The post inspired me go and call my only sister. Thanks
P.S. Her work is fantastic
WOW. That is amazing pottery!!! I love pottery! It is amazing that both of you are so talented. how wonderful you two had a visit. Great photos!
Oh Sue this is such a wonderful post.
Happy Birthday Nancy and your work is amazing and your daughter is beautiful and so smart.
I love the pictures Sue and what you said at top made me laugh out loud.
Love Renee xoxo
Awww...very sweet! I have a sister that is a year and a half younger, and I've felt she was the more "mature" one, as well. However, she doesn't have an artistic bone in her body! She's very analytical.
Your sister's artwork is amazing, but I couldn't say which of the two of you is more talented ;) Such a lovely tribute to your sister!
Beautiful post, beautiful pottery and a wonderful love for your sister.
Sue that was an awesome post that I very much enjoyed reading:) You and your sister Nancy are both very talented in your own mediums!! I love both of your work for didderent reasons.
I am blessed with 3 amazing sister and love them all very much!! There is no love like that of a sister:)
so nice you had a few days to chat face to face:)
Loved reading this post,I too have a sister 2.5 years younger than me, mine was always the tomboy and would be dressed as a cowboy while I had on my mams dress walking my dolls but it is such a strong and wonderful bond . Your sister is very talented too, I bet your heart swells with pride :0)
julie xx
Sue, what a wonderful post about your sister. Her pottery is wonderful. But I love your dolls too! Talent runs throughout your family! Have a beautiful week. P.S. I absolutely love that picture with the girls holding their dolls. I might have to use that! hehehehe
I have five lovely and very talented sisters, so I know what you mean! I did some very not nice things to one of my little sisters, tormenting her for years. Never knew why I did it, maybe she was an easy target, more likely I was jealous of her sparkly green eyes, dimples and long boing boing curls, none of which I was blessed with (I was forced into an unflattering short pixie cut).
Then one day, when we were teenagers, I realized this poor sister was actually a I really liked! She was hysterically funny, and extremely talented.
Yeah, sisters....can't live with them, can't live without them!
Love your post!
thank you so much for sharing this ... your niece's pieces are quite incredible & the joy you have in your family shines so brightly.
I don't have a sister but have longed for one my whole life. I think that is why I really treasure my girlfriends...
I do love the smirk on your face as you contemplate pushing her into the birthday cake. LOL!!
What lovely photos you posted of your niece and her beautiful pottery. She has such talent!!
P.S. I promise to post what I make with that fabric. Writing that post inspired me to finally start something instead of just admiring it!
What a funny story! Sounds just like me and my sister. She was the devil child :) And her pottery is very nice, I went and checked her out on line. Very diverse and talented. I always wanted to get into pottery. Have a great day.
My sister is in B.C. too.... Armstrong. Linda Sunshine definitely knows whereof she neck wringing seems a good idea some days..... other days it is just hugs and worry....
Does your sister show any of her pieces in the interior or only at the coast? You are both very talented, but in completely different ways....
delightful post - great photos!
I like your sister's work alot.
A loving portrait of a lovely pair of sisters. I can just imagine you did and continue to balance one another both are truly blessed by God to have one another! love, Rose
I love that last picture, very sweet! The pottery is beautiful too ☺
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