Obviously, not a cold. Obviously a flu bug. Influenza is relatively
uncommon in the summer months, except for the new kid on the block, H1N1 (Swine flu) which seems to be having a party. Do I have swine flu?
Unless you are showing signs of extreme severity, i.e. shortness of breath, chest pains, ERs and doctors don't want you going to see them - they suggest lots of liquids, lots of rest and let it run it's course. In some cases they will prescribe an antiviral (tamiflu) to help the symptoms. Canada, like so many other countries, is no longer tracking the mild/moderate cases of swine flu. They are only testing those that end up in the ER and hospitals.
Whatever it is I have, I felt absolutely rotten for two days and spent most of Wednesday and yesterday in bed. I'm slowly starting to feel better today, had a shower - and felt even better
.....did I mention that you sweat like crazy with this thing? Still feel very weak and fatiqued, but I think my fever is finally gone and my throat doesn't feel sore anymore. The cough? It's a dry niggling one and still here, but not as frequent.
I've not been able to follow everyone's blogs the way I so enjoy and I'm looking forward to catching up over the weekend!
Take your vitamens and get the proper sleep everyone (something I was NOT doing). This bug is nasty.
Wow, flu in the summer, hope you are feeling better, I'm surprised they don't want to know how many cases of Swine flu are in Canada, here in FLorida they want to know who is sick and who isn't. Glad to hear you are feeling better, at least you won't have to worry about getting it in the winter!
I hope I have some natural immunity Karey! Actually, WHO have advised that people with mild to moderate cases no longer clog up doctors' offices and ERs - I guess Canada and other countries are just following regulations. Apparently they already know that H1N1 is pandemic, and the safest thing for the public is for those that become ill (unless serious) is to stay home. I felt so rotten, I don't think I could have gone up to the clinic.
Oh Sue you sound like you were miserable. : ( I'm so glad that your feeling a little better.... but take it slow you don't want to think "Oh I feel better" and over do it and then Wham it comes back...
The Swine flu? God I hope not....
Get well ~ Pattee
Poor you. Hope you feel better very soon Sue. Big hugs x
so, so very sorry ... sounds like a rotton b*tt kicker. glad to hear that you are beginning to feel more human & wishing you even speedier recovery.
Drink lots of fluids and plenty of rest. I had to say it! Feel better soon!
I have made you some virtual chicken soup with plenty of healthy energy stock.I am also giving you a big virtual hug, as I don't want what you have! Get well really soon! :o)
Sue!!! ugh, stupid swine flu or whatever flu you got. Hope you are feeling back to your self asap.
:) Nicole
oh poor sue! glad to hear you're feeling better, a little! I don't think it's a swine flu at all...:o) you know, here in italy, summers are quite hot...yesterday we had 41° in the shade but people are in bed with the fever as well...can you belive it!
My father kept going having fever and he thought about the swine flu too...it came up he had a normal flu like the rest of those who are spending middle summer in bed! Pretty sad, but true! give you a big hug...xxx spery
God Bless You and keep you. In His loving Arms
View My Website We have something for you. Love, Pearl
Glad you're feeling better and sorry you had to go through days of misery.
Holding you in the light...hug, hug
Sweetheart, I sure hope you are feeling better and make sure you drink lots of H2O...It's not pleasant when you get sick in the Summer, especially with the heat. Feel better my friend.
Sue I sure hope that you are feeling a lot better today.
It is no fun at all being sick.
Love Renee xoxo
Heck with what the ER wants...the swine flu is nothing to play with...let them confirm whether or not it is and give you something to make you more comfortable!
Praying for you!!!
Sleep! Sleep all day if you can. It's the only thing that helps me heal. Feel better soon.
Hope you are feeling better soon! ☺
I hope you're feeling better. Sleep is so much more important than most of us realize, so I hope you're finding plenty of time to rest.
Sue are you getting better?
I'm starting to worry about you.
Oh My Sue!! That does not sound like a good
time:( So sorry you were under the weather and happy to hear you are on your way back to you beautiful self:)
sending healing healthy thoughs your way my friend
Hope you are feeling better Sue! And Avia-Kindred #1 sends warm wishes your way too. Love your blog! :)
It's going around here in Florida, too. I have a couple of friends with the same symptoms. Glad you are feeling better.
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