...has my muse gone? Did the flu scare her off? Is it the hotter summer weather? Maybe because I have had my mind on things other than art? Or could it be she can't abide the mess in my studio?

As I lay in my sickbed (how dramatic does that sound!), I fretted about not getting several pieces done. I was worried about the time it was taking to shake this nasty bug. Now I am feeling good, BUT, any and all inspiration seems to have left me. When Inspiration fled, Motivation went right along with her.
I have been doing everything but creating. I've been going shopping

Checking out end-of-season (where has the summer gone?) sales.

Having lunch with friends.

Going to the beach (well, it was more a park with a lake - but you get the idea)...
Glad you are feeling better Sue, good luck with the inspiration hunt! :o)
Glad you are feeling better. I don't think I caught the bug but today sure felt like it. I was zapped of any and all energy. My arms felt like a long ape arms dragging my knuckles on the ground all while letting out deep sighs and big yawns. I tried endless times to create something. Nothing was working. Alas, tomorrow is another day and I hope to get something done. I am also finding myself easily distracted this month with outings and shopping trips as well.
So glad you a finally feeling better..It's hard to think of being creative when you are sick..Your muse will return...maybe she is off on a little well earned vacation of her own..Cant' wait to see your next project..your work is always worth waiting for...Be well and be happy...
I'm so glad that your feeling better...
I hate when muse up and leaves on vacation... and doesn't say where she's going or when she'll be back! AND NO CELL PHONE! : )
Sometimes when I clean out my studio it changes my whole perception...It will come...
Thanks for your comment on my "nancye's doll"
lol ... clean first, so once inspired NOTHING will get in your way. :) glad to hear you've been having some good play time.
The Greatest gift God (or any belief)gave us was silence. Be alone and silent-the answers will come.
You can be sure of one thing Sue, it will come back ! I was the same as you with my recent batch of german measles, am still not feeling my best and my muse has been playing hide and seek !
I can highly recommend tidying the studio, I did this and had a burst of mad sculpting activity, unfortunately this was soon replaced by equally mad wall paper srtipping in my soon to be replaced kitchen....dont you just hate it when deadlines are looming but you just HAVE to go do something else LOL
I,m glad your feeling better, just go with the flow and soon your muse will be knocking at the door,
julie xxx
I am so glad you are feeling better! I am feeling just like you are. I am doing the searching, but nothing! I have dolls to be finished, but I just sit and look at them waiting for inspiration to hit.
Sue your muse at the top looks exactly like me today. Beat.
Love Renee xoxo
So glad you feeling better Sue. I too struggle with a muse that goes on vacation with no notice. I can be so frustrating. Really though I'm sure it's her way of saying you need a break dear. I agree, clean the studio first you'll have a whole new outlook on things with a fresh neat and clean studio!!
You too Sue? Its going around! its summer waddaya goona do?
Good luck with the cleaning but, dont get sidetracked!
You crack me up! This post (and the lovely photos!) was extremely creative. Creativity comes in all forms.
I'm glad you are feeling better again. I bet your muse is going to sneak up on you very soon, and then you'll have so many ideas, you won't even have time to go shopping (horrors!).
Hi Sue, thanks for your lovely comments. Your work is amazing and very inspiring. Polymer clay is on my to do list. I'm just over the seasonal sniffle myself so inspiration is coming back now that the cotton wool feeling has gone from my head. All the best for a speedy return of your muse. Linda
Hi Sue
I am so glad you got rid of that nasty pesky flu and you are feeling better again:)
I remember, not so long ago a very wise dear friend of mine said."Jacqui, I hate it when my muse takes a flyer (I'm always afraid that she won't come back). I too usually take a break and while I'm not doing any art at all, I find that I'm usually scoping out sites and books that feed my creative soul - and before I know it, Madame Muse is back!" She was right!!!!
Love you Sue and I know she will be back with a vengence very soon:)
Maybe this is a way of someone saying you needed a break and to enjoy other things for a while, except for the getting sick part!
Everyone needs a break now and then and nothing better to get the creative juices flowing than the things you mentioned. I am sure you will be up and creating very soon with wonderful new pieces! Take care of yourself!!! Hugs, Marcie ;-)
Judging by the photos, it appears that you are some sort of time traveler. Maybe this could be the problem?
I say take a break! Inspiration will come when you least expect it.
Enjoy your weekend!!
I am glad that you are finding time to go out for lunch with friends...and shop. However, I know what you mean about not getting much done or inspiration. Even house cleaning appeals to me at the moment! Good luck with future inspiration...and I just need a better work ethic!
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