I'm working on a couple of pieces at the moment that can not be shown here (at least before Christmas) and thought I would share some cool and maybe not so cool pics with you.
"Santa Claus" shown above is from 1885. He looks like he has just come in from tending to his reindeer. I wonder if his jacket is red? Somehow I think it is is deep loden green.

Gift ideas for friends have certainly changed

Methinks this little gal from 1901 is NOT impressed with her Christmas gift.

How many of you that were snowbound this weekend got outside and built a snowman? Or made snowangels? I hope some of you did!

A unique (you could say OOAK, and you could also say, "ewwwww!") gift for that person that has everything!

When I first saw this image I thought this woman was standing with an elaborately dressed doll! Check out the muffs both are carrying!

I've never thought of putting the garland on the tree so that it would look rather webby. Must learn to think outside the box more!

And last, but definitely not least ....how to make a statement at your office Christmas party!
Funny post, love those Christmas tree hairdo's I wonder if my beautician can do this? Love the Santa picture, those elephant feet yuck I've seen them a long time ago at a tavern I belive. Back in my fun days :) I guess they had spoiled children even in 1908, funny. You find the best pics. Thanks for the sweet comments we will be in right after Christmas the way it's looking but every time I say this I'm wrong! So we will just lay it down and let God. I hope you and yours have a blessed Christmas. Warm regards Pearl,
wonderful wonderful photos!
Love the Santa - and am dying to use Li'l Miss Grumpy in a shadow box collage!!!
I would love to have an elephant foot as a waste basket - so Colonial India!
I can remember my mother wearing some pretty big and high hair do's in the 60's - but I can't remember anything quite this dramatic. Nothing is better than hair that not only sparkles but jingles!
Fun, fun post today!
Is that Ronald Regan????
Great pics! Hmmm...I guess those trees are better than lampshades?!?
Yep....that IS Ronald Reagan!
Your pictures are always so great! Wish I had a holiday hat like those two Christmas babes in that last picture!
Love this post ! I dont know which I like best LOL but the spoilt little madam with the teaset is wonderful and as for the elephant feet............definitely more yeuk than ooak !
I love the santa pic , now if I were to ever meet the real Santa he would look exactly like that.
merry xmas Sue, hope you and yours have the most wonderful time and I wish you a fabulous new year
julie xxx
Hi Sue,
Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Merry Christmas!! Thanks for the chuckle. You found some very amusing photos. Best wishes to you and your family!
Great pics! Don't you just love that Santa! I think I might just find me a small tree and have some fun with the family!lol
Oh Thank You so very much Sue!!!!! You are fantabulous!!!!!!!! I LOVE your sense of humor!!!!!!
I can't pick a favorite!! I love them all but if I had to, it would be Ronald Reagan, he is my all time favorite person!!
How funny Sue! Love the hair do's...wonder if they light up. Speaking of...I could tell it was Ronnie soon as I looked at it. Bet this was hidden during his *years*. Hope you have a wonderfully cozy Christmas and Santa brings what you want!
love the real Santa Claus and...from 1885... what a great photograph! so clear...
Merry Christmas Sue.... all the best in 2010 ; looking forward to all your new creations....
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