Toy Chest Father Christmas created in 1993
This was one of the first Father Christmas pieces I did. I had just started using polymer clay - which the hands were sculpted from. His face was sculpted jersey knit fabric which was then treated to multi layers of paint to give it an 'oilcloth' look. The body is batting wrapped wire armature with tee-shirt knit covering and the clothing was made from repurposed vintage pieces.
This piece, Father Xmas, toy chest, etc is all mounted on some 100 year old barnboard which is approx. 14" long, so it makes a substantial display piece.
Why is it special to me? It is one of the few pieces that I still have from the early days of my doll making, so it is fun to see
My mom passed away in 1996 and when I look at this I have such fond memories of how excited she was that she had 'helped' me
My Dear Sue...YOU NEED TO DO MORE OF THESE...This is just simply amazing and what detail. I love this Father Christmas. It takes me back to my childhood. I think you should do these again...hmmmm why did you stop? Get cracking girl...we want to see more! Have a great weekend.
What a beautiful piece!! I is so nice to have sentimental pieces incorporated into a sculpt. There are so many things to look at. I agree you should create more of these Santa's.
Awww...such a sweet story, and what a tribute to your mother. Your art is just amazing--but you know I love your work, Sue! Many blessings and Happy Holidays, Friend!
He is wonderful Sue and very special. My mam passed away the xmas before I started making my dolls and I always wish she could have seen them as she was so proud of my miniature work.
How lovely that your mam helped with this piece, it must hold such treasured memories for you
I just love him, everythng about him. You would never know he was a first. Very special! I have decided I am going to spend more time on christmas items this year. I also started my dollmaking with a Santa. I wish I had some to share, but I did not take pictures back then. I can just see a Santa with one of your kindreds sitting on his lap
What a beautiful Santa! Exquisite work, and it seems that it holds such wonderful memories for you as well. This will be such a treasured heirloom in your family!
First class Santa Sue! He is wonderful :O)
Wow. this is awesome Sue! after my latest snowman I got to thinking about doing a santa. Yours is great and I love the costuming and how you painted it. I never thought to paint the cloth that way.
I will check back soon to see if you finished your snowman! I have two more I did and should have pictures of them at my blog soon!
Your Santa is great..... love all the little toys...
my first sculpting was a Santa too.... mine has a face of polymer... maybe I will put him on the blog one day soon too...
Your Mom sounds like mine.... my biggest fan and cheerleader too... but, she never did see any of my bears or the dolls....I didn't begin them til well after she was gone. I know how proud she would have been of any of my endeavours...and how much she would have enjoyed seeing them. I sure miss mine too....
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