Cuffs......found everywhere...
great wrist cuffs........
.....there are cuffs on hats, sweaters, socks and if you check on Etsy you can even find cuffs for coffee cups and boots.
One cuff I did not know about until last Thursday was the Rotator Cuff
If someone had mentioned this to me, I would have assumed it was something mechanical connected with a car. I was soon to find out that the four tendons that give your shoulder muscles, bones, socket etc mobility are called the Rotator Cuff - and if you injure this (through exercise as I did), it hurts like hell.

My right arm (of course!), the one with my carpal tunnel impaired hand, is now further 'embellished' with a torn rotator cuff. I'm chugging Advil (can't take anything with codeine), applying hot and cold, and trying to find new ways to brush my hair and even get dressed. And my potty-mouth is overflowing. Luckily my arm should get better over time, (some tears require surgery) and I'm hoping that means soon! The lack of mobility (can not raise my arm) and the constant pain especially when I am trying to sleep is horrible.
What is with me and my right arm/hand probs?
What is with me and my right arm/hand probs?
ouch! hope you feel better soon!
those leopard cuffs are "dreamy"!!! ;-}
take care,
OMG Sue... I am so sorry about your cuff!!! It hurts so much!!
I hope you heal very fast!!!
All those cuffs and you got the worse of all of them~
It just seems like we move through these things. One day it's the ankle, the next the knee, the next the arm..I never know when some odd thing is going to hit. I have heard that rotator cuff injuries are very painful. Hope yours heals soon! It is a real tragedy not being able to do your art work.
oh no! I wish you a speedy recovery, and some relief from the pain. That must be so frustrating!
hang in there girl! it will get better, meanwhile, do take it easy, and spoil yourself every chance you get :-)
That's got to be the worst Sue I'm really sorry your going through this. My friend had his done a couple of years ago and he is like a new man so I'm happy to hear your going to have surgery. Well happy is not quite the word is it. How about grateful you will have it done? Once the healing is done your carpel tunnell will have had lots of time to rest. And you'll be the bionic women again :) Oh yeah his mouth got full of potty too! Take care sweet lady, Pearl
I send you healing vibes, heal swiftly. No fun at all.
I am sooo sorry for you!!
I tore a tendon about 3 years ago, not my Rotator Cuff but my upper forearm. Lifting heavy groceries out of the car. I had some success with Cortizone injections, and I had to wear a brace 24/7. The Doctor told me it would not be a fast recovery, he estimated about 18 months for full recovery and sure enough it started feeling a lot better about that time.
It does help to have a potty-mouth lol...made me feel better anyway.
I wish you a speedy recovery, and hopefully this will all be over soon.
Oh, Sue! You poor thing! I am so sorry! My sister had this, and ended up with surgery. Good news is she is 110% better now. I hope you feel better soon - you go right ahead and swear like a pirate! xoxoxox! Pam
Just reading your post makes me hurt! Feel better soon!
OUCH! Grab a stick, bite down and get your shoulder fixed!
Sorry you're in such a dilemma Sue. Hope to hear it's better soon.
Thinking of ya.....
Oh sweetie I feel your pain.... I tore my rotater cuff and broke my wrist in a bad fall off a ladder two years ago. I had to have surgery to repair it. Good news its fixed now and pretty much 100% Mobility back. I hope you have the surgery soon and feel some relief. although the physical therapy afterwords is no picnic but worth it!
now all I need to do is fix my torn acl in my knee. Its hell to get old. LOL
A really clever post about cuffs! pray yours is better soon!
hugs Lynn
Sue, so sorry to read that, sorry for you,dear.I hope it will heal, and that the operation can make mirackles,for you, so you can soom´n ,be working normal with your raight arm, Sue.
Hugs and love,Dorthe
I am so sorry to hear you hurt your arm. Hope you get it sorted out by surgery soon and get on the road to recovery soon.
ouch. Hope you feel better soon Sue
<3 Michelle
Oh Sue! I am so sorry this is happening to you...what a bummer!!!
Do you know what caused it? Your remark about your potty mouth reminded me of a quote I like. The old quote says "Thought about being a lady...then they told me I couldn't cuss" (Old cowgirl quote...cracks me up) :-D Hang in there...Feel better REAL SOON!!! Big Hug...Marcie ;-)
Whoa! Not good - here's hoping you will get relief and get all this behind you. After a double mastectomy, chemo, radiation and 9 surgeries in one year...the MOST painful this was a recent surgery for a gangeleon cyst on my left wrist! Seriously - the most painful of all my "issues"! Guess it's all the muscles, tendons, blood vessels, etc. in one's hands..
Ohhhh, Sue! Soooo sorry to hear that you're in pain from your shoulder injury. Unfortunately, I can sympathize - a month ago I tripped over a garden hose and my foot is still swollen and pretty colors. Saw the orthopedic doctor on Friday and he said that I've got "severe soft tissue damage" - again, nothing they can do, so I'm waiting for Father Time to heal my boo-boo. I'm sending healing vibes your way. Hugs, Terri xoxo
Oh, no!! That is terrible news! What a pain...literally! Hope that you get some relief soon, but I know that it does take time. Would that be some of the problem with the carpal tunnel problem?
Your tale of doing this through exercise has cured me! Exercise is dangerous!! :)
Take good care!
Sue, I'm so sorry and will be sending well wishes your way. I have problems with that same area but never that bad and don't want to imagine what it is like. Please take care! (potty mouth--hehe--that would be me too!!)
Hi Sue ! Oh my, I am sooo sorry that you had to find out about the rotator cuff. I sure hope you get to feeling better very soon.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I've been a complete nincompoop this summer keeping up with blogging. However, the fast life is simmering down and I can be back to visiting my lovely friends once again.
Besides the luscious eye candy you find to share on your blog, I always learn so much! I would love to wear one of those cozy beige coats, I may look like a polar bear, but I still want one :)Oh, and Diane Knott! She is wonderful. I checked out her blog and Etsy.. wow! Such wonderful,romantic,peaceful work.
Hugs to you :)
Oh noooooooo, I was so enjoying all of the cuffs and then I read the END! YIKES
I hope you are better one day REAL SOON!
I am so sorry to hear about your rotator cuff on top of having carpal tunnel. I do hope you feel better soon and hopefully with surgery it will be completely healed.
Sending you best wishes,
Sue, have you tried a doctor who specializes in sports medicine? We have one at our physio clinic..
When I had a really bad shoulder several years back..he injected some cortizone directly into the area.... I tried not to use it much for 10 days as instructed and voila... it was perfect. I have never had a problem again...and he figured I may have to inject it every so often..but... it's been fine. It bothered me for two the point when I couldn't even lift a glass of water to my lips. I totally wrecked it doing some rock work in our yard over several months of repetitive stuff.... it was awful for a long time...
you're right....this getting old is for the birds....I don't know which idiot coined the phrase the golden years but obviously he/she must have been about 25 ... ain't golden at all. As a matter of fact.... getting old is not for the fain of heart..ya just gotta get tougher than ever somehow and that is not easy.... every day it seems something else gets wrecked or hurts or just doesn't work properly anymore..... arrrgghhhh!!!!
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