Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21.......Shortest Day of the Year and Winter Solstice

A Christmas carol, yes ....but it has a solstice-y feel to it

P.S.  I'm starting to catch up on some of the blogs I've missed the past couple of weeks....so much interesting stuff to read and see, I think it will take me awhile


Leslie said...

Annie Lennox has such a cool voice! Happy winter solstice! It was like a warm spring day today in Texas!

Flora said...

Merry Christmas and Happy Winter Solstice!!!!But most of all Happy ever after,Nicole was blessed to have recived such wonderful news !!!

BumbleVee said...

me too...not only catching up... but, every time I see a blogger I recoznize...I show up at their blog and copy the URLl... paste it into my new merchantcircle bloglines...becuz...when I tried to transfer over my list...I screwed up! Lost 'em all....

so..hi...how are ya?

and, just in case I don't get back before the day...

I hope you have a Merry Christmas Sue!!

BumbleVee said...

oops... you knew that meant "recognize" right? ...

yoborobo said...

We are all behind! I think Christmas will begin on Christmas day and last for a week or two - lol! I am still smiling bigtime over Nicole's news! Happy, happy, Christmas to you and your family! xox

Marisa said...

Merry Christmas


Anonymous said...

I love this from Annie Lenox

Don't ever worry about you posting to my blog ` because I know of all your struggles with your children and your own... I just love you Sue and will always be with you~and any struggles you may have and lets hope and pray they are not many....

Much holiday cheer to you~and my crazy Christmas cheer....

Dianie said...

I had tears of joy reading that Nicole is free :) :) :)

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas!


Abi said...

Oh I miss listening to the Christmas Music... comes and goes way too quick.
Hope you are all keeping well and dandy X

Robin's Egg Bleu said...

My favorite video of the year! Absolutely awesome! Have a fabulous New Year!
Take Care,