Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday....Dec. 1, 2010

click to enlarge

I swear that the text/picture area on my blog has progressively become more narrow over the past few months!  Anyone know an easy fix to increase this  space?  (and when I say "easy"  I mean "really" easy!)


Roxanne said...

I do this from blogger template designer. If you're not familiar with it here's how to get there.
From your dashboard click design then click template designer(towards the top left)then click layout and then click adjust width. When you have it adjusted the way you want it make sure you click apply to blog (top right). Hope that was easy and helps. Very interesting pic. :)

Dianie said...

I like the old photograph!

Sue, I wished I could help.. but, well I'm just going to sit back and learn... lol I'm not a very good computer person..


yoborobo said...

Sue - press against the sides with your elbows! lol! I have no idea whatsoever. I love this old photo. :) xox

Vicki/Jake said...

Hahaha (above)
Or or put your thumb and forfinger together, then as you put them on the screen, move them apart :)

Ok, I think you better go with mentalmulch's idea. Good to know someone has "the touch"...

Awesome Wordless picture too.

Sue said...

Thanks guys! I tried Roxanne's suggestion, but that method does not work with the template I have now and I don't really want to change it
at the moment.

Maybe I should try Pam's idea or Vicki's idea LOL

Roxanne said...

Sorry it didn't work Sue, but yeah give the other ideas a try...hehe...pretty good ones there!

Pearl said...

If you have Windows 7 go to the bottom of the page where the magnifing glass is, click it and make it as large as you want. Now that was easy. Hope this is what you meant? The girl in the picture is so pretty.