Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ...Feb. 16, 2011

mrsInman collection - FlickrFree



Vicki/Jake said...


Glad you're keeping up the Wordless Wednesday thingy. My blog funk is very deep lately....

Pearl said...

Classic in Daddy's shoes :)

BumbleVee said...

Oh, do find the cutest photos....

Lynn Stevens said...


Anonymous said...

What a cute Wordless Wednesday! He can't walk a mile in those shoes that's for sure : )

XXX Pattee

Pearl said...

Thanks so much Sue for your lovely comment on the loss of my little Rocky you are such a sweetie. Your one of the first peeps to become one of my buddies on line and I cherish our friendship!!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Ohhh! :-)

Abi said...

Too cute! LOL