I'm having fun with these little guys. I want to offer something in my Etsy shop that while not having the same amount of detail as some of my other work, will be cheaper. Little figures that will have charm and whimsy, but that someone won't hesitate over the price on.
I'm not sure yet just how the costuming will go, if I will fully paint them, what kind of fabric treatment I will use, or even what I will call these little guys, I do know that I am having a lot of fun with them. I will probably do various clothing/painting effects on them - I have several ideas scrambling around in my head. This is a new adventure for me as I tend to over-complicate most of the ideas I come up. This is very "freeing" LOL
hmmmm....but what to call them?
thank you Sue for visiting my blog and the super nice compliments. Had to come over and see what you do and I must say I am impressed! this new project looks wonderful. I have added you to my list and will have to check back. Great stuff!
OOoooh! They are supercute! I've no idea what to call them but I can't wait to see the finished product!
They are so cute, little wipples, little forest gnomes, what ever they rule!!!
Wipples...Karey that is really cute! I'm making a list of names I think of or hear that may work - will add that to my list!
Thanks Zan! It is an adventure for me
(you should have seen the struggle I had not to give them legs LOL).
Light and Shadow, thank you...it is great to "meet" you!
Very very sweet, and I like the name 'wipples' too!
They are soo fun, I can't wait to see what you come up with them, they will most def. be as charming as all your other figures
I totally love them!!! And I want one (I hope) when you have them on Etsy!
Oh my gosh! So awesome! I really like them, I'll keep my eyes peeled for updates ^-^!
Very cute! I love their little faces:)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Hi Sue,
I think these wonderful figures may be related to the Pillywiggins...I read a story about them many moons ago and according to legend they are peaceful but love to play pranks on humans who refuse to see them....julie
These are soooo cute!! I can't wait to see them finished. They look like each one has it's own personality. Very fun! :o)
Pillywiggins...I'll have to google that!
Thank you all for your comments, it is
great to get positive affirmation on
a new project!
I LOVE them! I need to get back to the clay. I love that each little face "has a different concern".
Oow they are so much fun! Cute little faces!
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