Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bettina is Hungry

Bettina is #7 in my Kindred series. She is waiting for the lunch bell to ring - she's really hungry and is wishing for tomato soup with a peanut butter sandwich to dip in it. What are you hungry

I'll be listing her on Etsy tomorrow with Kindred #8 that I'm still working on. These guys are so much fun to create. I'm hoping to start another ghost child this weekend and also have to start my

Shakespeare challenge piece. Fun!

Update I listed Bettina tonight on Etsy. Ramona, #8 kindred will be listed tomorrow.


Nun of a Kind! said...

She is beautiful! What soulful eyes, thinking about that food! Surely, someone will "adopt" her soon once you place her in the "Etsy" shop!

Anonymous said...

I just love these whimsical little ones. They are so sweet and derring,,and yet....
I'm hungry for SPRING!!!!!
I love these new dolls you've been doing~

Anna Fantinel said...

I like her sweet face and her eyes!!

3rdEyeMuse said...

what gorgeous freckles and red hair she has! actually, tomato soup sounds pretty yummy right now (though I have to admit I do prefer a grilled cheese with it ...).

twinkle teaches said...

I want Bettina to come live with me. I love the name Bettina,too. :)

Denise said...

This one is so cute Sue! love the freckles and the red hair.

Sue said...

Thank you everyone! I so appreciate your comments. LOL, I love freckles and red hair and would probably do
every doll like that if I could.

Tina, is your real name "Bettina"?

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous sculpture. I love the slightly elfin waifish-ness about her. You are an amazing sculptor.

Kims Art said...

I love the red hair and freckles! I have never heard of dipping a peanut butter sandwich in tomato soup. My DH made a peanut butter and pinapple sandwich the other day. It was really good. I will have to try your combination! Have a great weekend!

Baroness Bijoutery said...

Bettina is so sweet and I love those freckles.. Me I'm hungry for some warm weather so I can sit in the sun...

Odddollz by Jacqui said...

Sue, She is adorable!!! Look at those yes and her freckels....way too cute!!! I love these little ones:) MAKE MORE!!!


The Studio at Crow Haven Farm, LLC said...

Sue, I'm really loving this new line you are doing. She is absolutely precious! I love her little freakles... Wonderful I have to see your I am!

:-) MaryLou said...

Bettina is lovely, but I have fallen madly in love with TORT.

I just "discovered" your shop after seeing Lila featured in a treasury by a fellow member of the Etsy BeadWeavers team. And now I've visited your blog and your website, and I am in awe.


Sue said...

Why thank you MaryLou! I'm happy to
"meet" you! Tort is quite a character..LOL

Kimmi said...

Simply adorable!!!!


Unknown said...

Sue, I really love your little girls. They are so sweet and cute. keep them up!