No, I don't mean on Facebook, but here in blogland?
I'm sure we all are. I'm a big-time creeper.
I love going to blogs I'm following and checking out their profiles, seeing who they follow and voila..... I find a whole new group of blogs that delight me.
And, if I'm in a particularly lazy mood and don't feel like working, I check out these bloggers' Etsy shops, websites, flickr accounts, and then the blogs that 'they' are following. I will also creep on comments left on other blogs and click on the avatars.
It's a vicious cycle, but not really a time waster (well, it can be LOL).
I have found some wonderful artists and blogs, all of whom are inspiring and motivate me to yes, get into my studio and work.So, if you don't creep, try it ....you never know where or whom it may lead you to.
Yep, I think I am a "creeper" too!
Sue...I LOVE creeping, but I always feel like I'm cheating by benefiting from the great blogs that have been discovered by my favorite bloggers. But I found JoAnnA Pierotti on your blog and as a result, I have taken 2 of her workshops! Very time consuming AND rewarding!
"creeper in training"
I'm a creeper for sure...being new to the process of blogging I've found a whole world of talented people in so many areas...great writers, photographer, fine crafters and fine artists....all inspiring. I also tell myself it's not wasting time but instead I'm broadening my world!...hugs, julie
In fact I came to you're blog this morning to creep some of your favorites...
Haha Sue..yes, it is an eeeevviiil but fun past-time...I try to limit it or else I could be online for HOURS! Yikes!
Hi Sue that's exactly what I do!
If I need a break I go to blogs. New and Old.
Check out Etsy and see who hearts sellers... wow I could get lost ~
P.S I love that face of your doll!!!!
LoL! Yes, My name is Kathleen ... and I am a creeper!
What about following one's intuition to discover the many wonderful and talented artisans in the world!
I have to admit I'm a "creeper" too!
Hi Sue!
I love your lights as much as your dolls, they are just wonderful!
And I, too, am a creeper. This is my door to the world and to all of the awesome and inspiring people out there.
LOL, so it seems creeping is a necessary (and fun) 'evil' and that maybe there should be a support group, something like AA? I admit it is very easy to think you are on line for 30 minutes only to discover that
2 hours has slipped away.
I think it is so wonderful though the connections one makes, globally and at
home, through the internet.
thanks Sue for good wishes! I hope he will find home soon! I have visited him today at vets (Long Term Care), and he is doing very well! He was standing a little on the leg that was broken. And he was a very cheerful! I gave ads in newspapers, and one man is asking for Blacky today . He wants to see him on Monday! So wish us luck! :-)
I've just started creeping. It was a matter of necessity. I HAD to find some great blogs to pass an award on to. Wow, there's a lot of great blogs out there!! Love that doll, Sue!
Guilty!!! I really must get out in the studio more but how can I pass up all this delicious eye candy. And that definitely includes visiting here quite often! ; )
I'm not too much of a creeper...I like to leave comments so that people will know that lots of others read them.
I love visiting on your blog, too.
guilty, though I have to admit am currently trying to rein it in as (unlike you) I let creepin become a distraction which leads to inaction and the next thing you know it's 2am and I haven't finished what I started.
oh definatey! i am a creeper for sure. I do my creeping from 11:30pm at night until after midnight. I have found so many amazing places to visit that my late night creeping sometimes leaves me awake, laying in bed, with the creative juices leaving me staring at the ceiling wondering if I should just get up and go work in my studio.
Me too and I have to say your dollies are too too cute!!!
Oh dear I didnt know there was a name for it. I have to admit I creeped through your favs and found some glorious artists! hmm does that make me creepy? :)
I absolutely do this...I search back for many posts in some people's blogs to see what came before a certain post..etc...and hope around all over the place for hours...no wonder I get nothing done.
Right now I am trying to retrace steps...to find a blogger that gave me info on where to purchase wavy mohair...and can't remember who it was or where I put my bookmark...sigh.......
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