Tribute to Neda
This lovely tribute song to Neda Agha Soltan was composed and sung by several local Dallas musicians. I found this on the Pegassus website and here is what one of the musicians had to say:
Cho says:
Milad - "Green Leaves"
written by Mishanmusic by The Axis (Cho & Milad)
Concept to completion in 1 day.
This process was cathartic for my Tehran-born production partner, and this song & video are dedicated to Neda Agha-Soltan, the young woman who lost her life in the Iranian Election Protests this week.
The ending contains some brief words from Ghandi, King, Obama, and Mandela
1,000+ CPDRC Inmates Dance Tribute to Michael Jackson
Back in 2007, the inmates of Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines put together a dance to Michael Jackson's Thriller as part of their exercise routine, and also to show how well they 'worked' together. Upon hearing of MJ's death, and in approx. 27 hours the above dance routine to honour Michael was created.
Artdolls of Lidija Fairbanks
I don't do much beading, I do however have an incredible appreciation of the talent and knowledge it takes to create intricate, beaded works of art.
Lidija Fairbanks creates unique one of a kind art dolls. Each one is reminiscent of an olde world icon (reading her bio on her site, one can understand how she was influenced in her art). I am totally blown away by the amazing bead work on her figures. (Make sure to check out her jewelry on her site too).
Great videos and what amazing bead work! must have taken hours, days even!! wish I had the patience. :O)
Sue, those dolls and the beading. How does someone do that?
I loved your interpretation of the queen on the mosquito. I think you are right.
thanks, Sue, for sharing these. the first video was really powerful & the beading by Lidija - holy smokes! She does some wickedly intricate bead work.
I loved all three videos, although I have seen the prisoner tribute to Michael before. I cannot believe the beadwork by Lidija--wow, the patience it must've taken!
Good Stuff! Congrats to your daughter! She is beautiful and smart! I went to your Dads web site. You are all so talented!!!!!!
Before I found clay I was a bead weaving artist and made jewelry. It is very tedious artwork but beautiful results. The dolls are great and knowing first hand the work involved in bead work, its amazing to see these pieces.
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