Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Special Day

Graduation Day 1927 (

Graduation Day 2009

Fashions, curriculum and society has changed over the last 100 years, but the pride and joy on Graduation Day remains the same.

Our youngest daughter, Keara, graduated from college today with Presidential honours. This is a kid that coasted through highschool, having a great time, but basically directionless with what she wanted to do. After working a year, she decided that she wanted to focus on a career in law....and focus she did. Her dad, sister, boyfriend, friends and I are SO proud of her. Through diligence, dedication and hard work, she graduated today with a 93.5% average, and because she had maintained her high marks through each year of college, she made the President's Honour List.

Well Done Keara!

I found this poem by Nicholas Gordon which I'm sure expresses how any parent feels when their child spreads their wings to aspire to the next level of their life.


To the graduate, no more a child,

On whom these many years my love has shone:

Take pleasure in the pleasure of my pride,

However much you've managed on your own.

Even as you dance upon your stage,

Growing ever more endowed with grace,

Remember that my love will never change,

A place for you beyond all time and place.

Do what you will within your own wide world,

Understanding in your own wise way:

Always know you are my field of wonder,

The wild, star-strewn moor on which I wander,

Even as I honor you today.


And, finally...after a lovely day of celebration, Keara is back home in Toronto tonight relaxing before going back to work at a law firm tomorrow. She is definitely on the next step of her journey.


*A Fabulous Song for Graduates Everywhere*


Keara, We Love You!


Silke Janas-Schloesser said...

Dear Sue, congratutaltions sooo much to your daughter !!!!

julie campbell said...

Congratulations to your daughter Sue, you must be so proud ! I love the photos , how times have changed but I dont think there will be any change in the way we feel when our children succeed :0)
julie xx

essie said...

Congratulations to your daughter.
Wow with presidential honours , I can understand how proud you must be.

Renee said...

Congratulations Keara and congrats to Mom and Dad too.

Sue, you must be so proud. I cannot believe Keara was able to maintain that average. What an incredible girl.

Also, may I add, Keara is absolutely gorgeous too.

So amazing and so uplifting for you Sue that you have raised such wonderful and gifted daughters.

Love Renee xoxoo

Zan Asha said...

Yay, what a wonderful daughter you have raised...ahh, I am sure it is bittersweet, but there is much to look forward to! Congrats to a wonderful family! :)

3rdEyeMuse said...

Three Cheers to Keara!! May all her chapters continue to get better and better. :)

Nun of a Kind! said...

Congratulations to Keara!! So nice to have a goal and reach it! Continued success in all that you do, Keara!
Congratulations to Mom and Dad, too! You have good reason to be proud!

Abi said...

Wow! well done to your daughter! :O) I still haven't got my head around the school and college terms in America - seems so different to the system in England. However, from what I gather, her award is impressive to say the least!!

julie said...

Congratulations to you and your lovely daughter...I love these words in the poem...'Always know you are my field of wonder', they express perfectly how I feel about my own daughters.
hug, hug

Patrizia Cozzo said...

Congratulations to you and your beautiful daughter, Sue!
Enjoy this precious moment!


Ingrid Mida said...

Wow! What an inspiring story! Congratulations to your daughter (and to you too!). You must have been bursting with pride.

Renee said...

Your gorgeous daughter. And I know how proud you are. Now too bad you had not gotten a bag of mints before the big event.
