Several weeks ago, I responded to a post on Michelle of 3rd Eye Muse's blog. I was so fortunate to win the above wonderful prize of teeny tiny origami cranes and Michelle also included a couple of little bags of tiny shells, and one of her Goddess Spirit dolls. The cranes and shells were packed into the delightful green sectioned box shown above. If you click on the post link above, it will take you to her tutorial on how to make these wonderful little cranes (which were made into charms). I don't know how she does it as they are SOOOOOO tiny! They are also incredibly pretty. Thank you so much Michelle, I love everything you sent!

I've been to a couple of estate auctions recently. One was a disappointment, however the second one was excellent. Some of my finds included:
*A Small Collection of Vintage/Antique Purses*

Detail of the petitpoint embroidery on the black silk crepe purse

I want to take some cleaner to the silver chain link purse, I think it will look wonderful when cleaned up
*Some 30s/40s Snoods and Early 1900 Pictures from a Calendar*

The actresses pictured above, from L to R are: Kathryn Williams, Blanche Sweet and Lillian Walker
*Edwardian Wire Wall Basket and Glasses Case*

The wall pocket/basket may be Victorian, however I can't find any examples of anything like it on the internet. If anyone has any information, please let me know as I'm very curious about this piece.
*Edwardian Vanity Tray and Brush*

I love this set! The lace and petitpoint embroidery under the glass of the tray and the brush is so dainty and pretty! I had to have it!
I also got some handmade antique lace, an Edwardian biscuit barrel and a couple of items of antique/vintage clothing - none of which were handy when I was taking pics and I was a too lazy to run up the stairs and get them.
I love auctions, they are so much fun!
Love your auction finds!! Everything is just wonderful. Did you win everything in a lot, or did you bid individually? I have never been to an antique auction.
Love your Origami Cranes!!
You lucky girl you! I love, love the wire basket. I have seen them before in a magazine, I am looking for it, but no luck yet. The purse is just beautiful! If we had been together and found that vanity set, we might have had a battle over who would get it.lol!
Lucky scores! I love the vanity set.
Sue I love seeing all this stuff. I especially like the eye glass case and the vanity tray.
WOW You did score... I used to play with my grandma's silver and gold chain purses when I was little... I'm sure my dad has thrown those all away
: (
And WOW you got some surprises from Michelle!!! Those cranes ARE TINY!
wow... you did indeed score!
the little cranes are so sweet.... must try to make some one day. I have two teensy ones I bought at a craft fair...I hang them on my small Christmas tree .....
What a haul!!! I really love the purses!
Wow! Good for you :) Michelle is a doll--those cranes are amazing!
I love the purses--my mother has a similar black petite point purse. The vanity and the card--oh, heck, everything--is so lovely! Sounds like you had a great time!
Congrats on the win and love the vintage items! ☺
yipee! I am so glad the package arrived and happier even that it made you smile ... BUT ... HOLY SMOKES! did you find some amazing treasures?!? that was a really good day. :)
Dessa, some of the stuff was in lots and some was put up individually. I got the purses in a lot.
Kim, if you can find info on the wire basket that would be great!
Joanna, if the chain link bag is Whitting and Davis, the label has been removed and there are no markings.
Love what you won, and love what you bought! I wish that I had the patience for auctions...may have to learn to have patience if I knew such great items could be in store!
Great finds! You did well, love that tray and brush.
Origami cranes are a wonderful gift... The belief is that the one who folds 1000 cranes will have their fondest wish come true...they also represent peace and healing for children...,"I shall write peace upon your wings, and you shall fly around the world so that children will no longer have to die this way." "this way" is in regard to the children who died from exposure to radiation after the bombing in Hiroshima and war in general....I have a friend who folded 1000, with a little help from her friends, in hopes of having her son's life turn around. It did, and she past out the cranes in thanks to others who might need to start their own chain.
Great finds..and a good eye, for good stuff!!
hug, hug, julie
Sue you totally nailed each of my pictures.
oh my are these some nice goodies! and im wondering why i was MIA on Michelle's cranes. ERRR! i missed a good one there! :-(
scored, indeed!
I dont think we have estate sales around here - at least, I never see them advertised.
darn it.
wow, I love Nicole's work, I adopted Norman for my Dad, but my bunny is in love
pictures over on ADO LOL
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