was one of those days. A day that we had all planned out (first mistake) as it would be very busy, and then one thing after another went wrong.- tied up in traffic on the highway due to an accident up the road caused us to be late for an appointment.
- the pump we rented to take the water level down in our pool so we could close it, was defective and blew a fuse. The fuse box sparked, now we need to have some electrical work done on the fuse box. We also have several areas of the house without electricity, including my laundry room.
- What seemed like a mini tornado blew through town, no major damage, but lots of branches down and leaves in our yet-to-be closed pool. Also some nervous moments.
- My van was backed into and I now have a driver's side door that is trashed, plus part of the A-frame is wonky.
I was going to sculpt tonight, but decided against it. Probably a good thing.
Tomorrow is another day and rather than making down to the minute plans I think we will just take it as it comes. LOL
Wow Sue...
What a day! Did you notice tonight is a full moon... if you want to get superstitious.
All of those things would be giving me a head-ache about now.
Take it easy tonight and just have fun tomorrow!
I think you should stay in bed! :O) it'll be safer!
Oh no! Hang in there!
Yikes! I am so sorry to hear that :( Gah, seems we all go through these things! Hang on, and know that we all send you hugggggsss!
Sue I left you the Kreativ Blogger award on my blog~
Hope you have a good week-end~
Oh Geez.....Sounds like a movie night, wrapped up in a cozy blanket and your favorite ice cream.
Wiching you a better day tomorrow :)
Hi Sue! So sorry to hear about all that! Hope today went better for you and have a super week!
Well no I don't have any of the Halloween things I've made in the picture... I just like to collect Halloween things :)
Do you celebrate Halloween in Canada?
Who could create with that mess going on! What a day, hopefully you will be up and running again soon. The pool will be the worst. Hang on to them trees and don't let goooooo!
Here's to better days (*)
That was a bad day for sure!!! It is so frustrating when life gets in the way of creating. Hang in there!
ohhhh.... how well I can relate with my Friday and Saturday of last weekend as well....arrrgghhhh the flooring installers from hell! It still is not rectified.... there are marks on the new carpeting and finally today the manager and our salesperson will arrive to check things out.... I can't understand why we are even having to be "checked out" ...just fix it when I am paying so much money for a supposedly professional job...everybody I know will hear of it and won't use the same insallers for sure....
that is pretty funny with the little person on their butt! we all could use some more giggles....
hope your week has been better...
Wow, what a day....A book I'm reading says always leave room for surprise...I wonder..do we have a choice? hug hug
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