Sunday, January 10, 2010

Keeping Warm

It is incredibly cold and wintery here so I have been staying cozy working in my little studio room. Taking a break, I was going through some of my vintage pic files and was struck by the amount of fur that was worn years ago and how muffs were so popular.

With all the fur, this lovely lady would not be the height of fashion now, but I'm sure in 1911 she reigned supreme

In her long astrakhan coat, muff and hat and what looks like seal trim, this lady was enveloped (ha! no pun intended)

Can't Forget to Bundle Up the Kiddies

The muff this little lass is carrying is just about as big as she is!

More Fur - actually quite abit given the throw. The addition of the puppy seems a bit of an ironic touch in 2010. What an adorable little girl though!

Just some fur trim on the outfit of this rather smug little girl. I get the feeling she may have grown up to be a rather domineering society matron.

Even this very young child has some fur - the pompom tassels on her hat are fur.

I posted these pics for your enjoyment, not to make any political statement. Years ago, wearing fur was not contentious as it is now. Trapping was a way of life and in many cases fur was sold as a byproduct of the food that was placed on the table. And, all arguments aside, it was warm!


Tracy Nuskey Dodson said...

eeek! Some of those garments just look like they slapped the animal right on, lol. I think I had a dog that resembled that litle girls muff.
The pictures are charming though...thanks for sharing.

Keep warm. We don't have snow right now but it hasn't been out of the 20's for days. Brrrr!

Unknown said...

Your pictures are wonderful!! I love seeing fashions from that era.

Renee said...

I love fur so maybe I deserve bats. har har

But I do love fur.

Thank you for being my dear and caring friend.

Love Renee xoxo

michelleK said...

That last childrens ensemble is adorable.

Stay warm ... It is too warm over here in australia at the moment. I will send you some of my heat.


Vicki/Jake said...

It's way cold here too!
Can you imagine wearing a dead fox around your neck? Kinda freaky...but whattheheck, if it keeps ya warm...
Love the old photo's too, thanks for the fun post Sue (O:

Anonymous said...

You're a braver woman than I with all that snow! You know, I used to have a fake fur muff that was part of my special winter dressing up outfit. It was always paired with a matching fake fur coat (looked like dalmatian actually), warm tights with little hearts, frilly socks and mary janes. I thought I was a real lady at five, all dolled up for church. Fun times, thanks for reminding me!

julie campbell said...

Love these pics ! especially the stout little madam LOL
I love fake fur and have no problem with vintage fur either. It certainly keeps the chill out :0)
Hope your keeping toasty warm, our snow is finally starting to thaw but with very low night time temperatures its a bit like an ice rink in our street this morning !
julie xxx

Kaerie Faerie said...

Thanks for posting the wonderful pictures, I grew up in Chicago and everyone wore fur, I had a white rabbit hat and muff as a child, Mom has always had several furs, with the wild wind in Chgo, it is the only way to walk Michigan Ave in the Winter!

Anonymous said...

I love all those pictures Sue... Do you actually have all these photo's or do you find them on the internet?

They are wonderful....

Wow it looks cold!!!

Thanks for this great post!

Pearl said...

I love this top picture of this elegant lady! Give me fur honey!! Some day we will be wearing it again mark my words, it's called survival. Love the pics what a great post. Miss ya!

Nun of a Kind! said...

Great pictures! It used to be the "thing" to sport a coat of fur, and not all that long ago...those coats do look warm, though, don't they? Hoping that the winter days don't last too long to make us wish for a fur revival!

angela recada said...

I love the photos! Fur certainly had a purpose at one time, keeping people warm and alive in the days before central heating, electricity, and all our other modern comforts. And like you said, all parts of the animal were used.

In my closet, I have tucked away a vintage fur from the 1950s that my mother used to wear when we lived in Ontario. My father saved for years to buy it for her. I wouldn't feel right wearing it, but can't bear to part with it either.

Tristan Robin said...

Love LOVE LOVE these photos! ... especially the children.

It's such a shame that fur is such a horrible thing to wear, because - well - it really looked fabulous, didn't it? LOL I keep waiting every winter to get a phone call from my mother saying that somebody threw red paint on her - she refuses to stop wearing her furs! LOL I decided, after all these years, to not say anything anymore. She's lived long enough - if she wants to wear twenty year old furs, I say let her! LOL

Abi said...

Beautiful pictures Sue!

Anil P said...

How things have changed, for good mostly. There's magic in the vintage poses the little kids have struck.

I couldn't help smiling at your "domineering society matron" comment. Looking at the picture, well, very likely :-)

Marcie Hart - A Work Of Hart said...

I love your vintage images Sue! These ladies were so classy back then. Stunning! I feel for you with the weather. We have 2 feet of snow here....sigh...can't wait for spring again!! Have a wonderful day! ;-)

Sea Gypsy said...

I have two large containers of vintage fur. I love the first photo. She is just stunning! I was out last friday and found a vintage fur that fit be perfectly. It was not only the warmest coat I've ever put on, but it is just so beautiful. I am still thinking about it! It is warm!

Renee said...

Sue bright spot alert. Camille is in so her and Jacquie are on transit right now going to see Mom. Yahoo.
