Yep, and that was in the shade yesterday - today is actually a tiny bit hotter, AND it is humid. YECK! I am definitely NOT a hot weather fan. Warm and sunny? Yes! Hot and humid? No!
We had a busy long weekend, mainly opening our pool and having a couple of bbqs. A lot of work outside, and I was a sweltering, wilted, sweaty mess. Hubby, on the other hand, seemed cool as a cucumber. Something not right there (and he definitely did a lot more work than I did).
Below is a pic of some of the boats on our lake yesterday - this looks cool and refreshing on a hot day! I would love to jump in our pool, however the water won't be at the right temp for a couple of weeks yet.
So.....because I was not feeling cool and jaunty like these guys below, (especially the one in the lower corner)...

.....I chilled on the porch with hubby in the evening and also did some exploring on the computer, enjoying the cool air conditioned temp in the house.
I'm always amazed at the scope and wealth of art on the internet. It really is never-ending
Below are some origami sculptures (most done by the ingenious folding of one piece of paper) by Sipho Mabona

I found some other cool sites and examples and will show them in the next couple of weeks
In the meantime, if it is hot and muggy where you are, I hope you were able to find some shade, relax and enjoy the day.

....and maybe enjoy some music. I found this delightful young singer last night and love the rather caberet sound that she has. If you go to Sarah Slean's website, check out some of her videos for other songs.
It has been hot and humid here today, too. I guess summer is on its way! I love your lake -it looks so refreshing, I want to jump in. :)
I am always amazed what some people can do with paper. I can make an envelope - haha! Keep cool!! xox Pam
It keeps acting like we are going to have a Thunder storm... a bit humid... but we don't have the humidity that you all have back East.
What an amazing paper artist... they always boggle my mind~
Thanks for introducing me to Sarah Slean.... she's amazing!
Thank for your comments on my blog ~
Love ~Pattee
Oh she is so much like the old caboret singers, what fun! Thanks, gotta love them pictures you posted. Have a cooler week!
Hi Sue, our temperatures are still around 50. If you send some degrees over, it would be pleasant outside for both of us :-). I hear you on the humidity. I can't stand that either. Your bbqs on the pool sound wonderful though.
Great origami art!
Stay cool!
LOL Sue, that seal did make me laugh ! Love Sarah's work, how clever it that !!
I'm not good in the heat either, we had 2 days of it at the weekend and I was overjoyed when it was chilly yesterday, cant work with me and the clay both melting ...
Hope you can keep cool,
julie xx
hot and miserably muggy here, too...and it's only 8:30am! - I came back from walking the dog completely wilted and sweating. Geesh.
we are thinking alike today - my post is going to have origami, too! - different artist though. I really like the work that you've posted. These origami masters are AMAZING, aren't they?!
My remedy for the day? Go to the grocery and stand in front of the ice cream section with the doors open!
Dear Sue,
I can almost envy you, well not the humidity, but highter temperatures would make me sing...:) so cold here still, ---and the pool get together, sounds fantastic,-
-Newer saw sooo great origami peaces, gorgeus.
I wish you a less warm,and humid weather, dear.
Hugs, Dorthe
Oh were still hoping for warm weather here, I don't think its even hit 70 yet. I'm afraid it will be winter before our summer arrives, We even had snow last week. ugh...
Wow those paper creations are un believable. I wonder how large the paper is to begin with? Its amazing what on the net just waiting to be discovered!
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