I've been avoiding the computer for the last few days in an effort to promote healing of my wrist and shoulder. It IS working and both are starting to feel better and I do have more mobility. I desperately want to get back to my sculpting, and doing all the other things (washing hair, getting dressed, pulling self out of pool, driving without gritting my teeth, etc) I have have totally taken for granted before having these problems.
Sooooo, I've been taking it easy and laying low.

Unfortunately, I am way behind in catching up with all the blogs I follow.
I don't want to overdo it, but do hope to get back to abit of blog following today. It's extremely hot and humid here (feels like 108F with the humidity) and because I can't go in the pool, sitting in the a/c and blog following sounds like a great idea.
Finally, and Oh Gosh, am I ever starting to feel old. Silly limb injuries and aches......and my youngest daughter turned 24 yesterday. It seems like only yesterday that I was, like now, cursing the hot summer weather, and wishing for this baby to put in an appearance.
Happy Birthday Keara!
Hi Sue! You be good and don't overdue it (I sound like a mom, don't i?). I know EXACTLY what you mean about your youngest suddenly being grown. Weren't we just worrying about rashes and baby food, and if they would ever walk? lol! She is beautiful. Good job, Mom. Take care of that arm!! xox Pam
Hope you are better soon, Sue! I bet you want to sculpt all the more just because you shouldn't! Beautiful family!
What a beautiful daughter you have Sue!!! Hapy Birthday! My son is 24 also.
Just take it easy my dear friend, it takes time to heal and you don't want to stop the healing process! We will all be here waiting for you : )
So glad to hear your doing better! What a sweet Momma you are, your daughter is beautiful. Now don't over do it :)
Happy birthday to your sweet daughter, Sue,
and blessings to you with new energi to come :)
Hugs, Dorthe
Take care sue and dont over do things, I bet you are dying to sculpt !
My youngest will be 20 this year .....seem to have had teenagers for a lifetime but also seems it was just seconds since they were babies if that makes sense :0)
Hope your beautiful daughter had a wonderful day,
julie xxx
Your daughter is so pretty. What a nice surprise you gave her.
Life does go by fast. Days dissolve in front of our eyes. Sounds like you are living in the now..the only place, in my opinion, that we can call our own.
Hi Sue,
It is good to hear that you are on the mend.
Take it real easy and don't overdue it :)
Your daughter is cute as can be!
Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way for a speedy and full recovery.
Hi Sue! Take it easy, my creative friend. I hope this healing process goes fast for you. Sending you a big hug! Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter! :)
Hey Sue... glad you are resting your wirst....it must be frustrating not being able to sculpt. In fact It's almost a year since you started having problems with your wrist isn't it? Blog hopping on Halloween wasn't it?
Happy(belated!) birthday to your daughter :O)
Awe...Happy Birthday to Keara! What a beautiful name too.
Stay calm and bring yourself back to normal girl, you've been through a lot and it's not easy when you can't function 100%. There are so many things we take for granted huh?
Same here with the heat. I was outside pressure washing the house and I'm in for a break...whew it's HOT! I'd hire someone to do it for me but...they wouldn't do it as good as me ;(
Have a wonderful weekend and continue that rest~
I am glad you are resting it is the only thing that really helps. This has been one hot summer. There is almost always a breeze, but this summer has been so strange, just plain hot and we have had those same temps with heat index included. Happy Birthday
Keara! My youngest also turned 24 in May. I am beginning to wish for time to slow down. Feel better soon!
Get Well Real Soon! Thinking of you and Wishing you the Best! ;-)
Hi I visited your blog; so beautiful and different.congratulations
Come visit me in my blog (terradeduendes.blogspot.com)
Rest up those limbs and feel better soon!
Hi Sue,
Don't overdue it! Take it from one whos been there!
Your daughter is lovely! I hope all her Birthday wishes come true. 24? my sons 25, is she married yet? I'm still wanting grandchildren you know! LOL
hugs Lynn
I echo all the good wishes and sound advice you have been given.
I hope you will be back to your old self soon, I miss your new makes, so selfish I am :-D
Belated best wishes to your "little girl" Sue....
I'm way behind with just blog hopping and reading about everybody's adventures and creations.. my summer is being ruled by that silly white ball...but.... am having some success this week. Broke 100 yesterday...woohooo
I wish your wrist would come along enough so that you could at least play a bit... I know exactly what you are talking about with it. I remember how much it hurt to turn the darn steering wheel the first few months mine got really bad. It is still not better really....but, once I had the EMG and found out it was not carpal tunnel...I figured what the heck....I'm golfing then. I was afraid to hit the first few balls and then... just went for it. It is actually stronger now at least...because after babying it for months...it was weak. My cluster ganglion is huge and hopefully I can find somebody to do surgery on it...but, I am dragging my feet because even those surgeries are not without risk it seems. .... and the thumb tendons are awful too... maybe a bit of physio would help there....I will get on that in about a month...when golf is over...not much point in even bothering right now....
Hi Sue, hope you are doing better now. I was gone for a while...darn computer virus!
Have a wonderful day and take it easy!
Cheers and Hugs,
Glad to hear that you are mending, although slowly. We never appreciate doing the simple things you spoke of until some injury/condition prevents us from doing it!
Your "baby" sure is cute!! It is hard to believe how fast they grow up. Many happy returns for her "big day"!
It is an A/C day or pool day for sure! My pool is calling me as we speak!
HI Sue,
I'm so sorry to read about your injury. May you heal quickly.
Best wishes to you (and your lovely daughter).
There's a little something something for you over on my blog, should you choose to accept it.
You are missed here in the Land of Blog....but wise to let yourself heal...hug, hug...
Hi Sue! welcome back - thanks for stopping by - did you have a good time?
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