Wednesday, December 31, 2008

From Me to You

New Year's Eve 2008 ...a time to reflect on the past year,
and celebrate the birth of a brand new year. 2008 has
been a mixed bag of happenings for a lot of us. The good
and the bad, with unfortunately a lot of the bad happening
towards the end of 2008.

My wish for everyone is that 2009 will bring peace, understanding, love and stability to a world that is feeling rather battered. May all of us be able to enjoy the small moments of magic that life offers us.

Peace and Love,



Unknown said...

Happy New Year my friend!

Stefania Morgante said...

in italian...Buon ANNO! My wish is peace, friendly, armony, health and so on...BUT....I wish for you and for the world to have dreams and wonderful goals!

Renee said...

Yes -- the small moments of magic.

Sue you are a wonderful woman and I want you to know that your comments mean a lot to me.

Thank you.

Love Renee xoxoxo