And, so it begins. The first long weekend of the summer. Victoria Day weekend, celebrating Queen Victoria's birthday.
This much-looked-forward-to holiday is most commonly referred to in Canada as May 2-4 (not only is it celebrating a May 24th birthday, but a case of beer in Canada is often called a 2-4, of which much is often consumed)
The pic above shows a highway leading from Toronto, jampacked with traffic, a common occurrence during the summer month weekends
This weekend is when people go to open up their cottages

I wonder if "opening" a cottage built out of two trolley cars is easier than just a regular cottage?
Of course, not everyone has a cottage, but does have the need to celebrate the warmer weather and get out of the city

After that long, very tedious drive, one needs a way to release the pent up aggravation of all those crappy drivers clogging up the highway - if the weather suits, what better way than a plunge in some (still) freezing cold water?
Unfortunately, May 2-4 can be cold and rainy, in which case cramped quarters in dismal surroundings are necessary

Many do not go away for the whole weekend, but go off on little excursions - like picnics! (Canadians no longer wear ties and aprons on picnics however)
What a fabulous post!
Heading to my trailer in the morning to enjoy a 2-4 on the 2-4 :) ....but something tells me I'll be one of those people crammed into the tailer due to weather! :) ....well, at least on Saturday according to the weather man.
Have a great weekend!!
Love this post! What fabulous photos!...and so true of the "happenings" on the May 2-4....the official "start of summer". That traffic reminds me of heading up Hwy.400 to Muskoka for summer shows!
Hope that you enjoy your long weekend! :)
LOL...oh the traffic..Have a great weekend. I will be working Sunday and Monday so no traffic for me...
I want, no, need a cottage constructed of two trolley cars!!!
Don't drink too much beer - and have a lovely lovely holiday~
Have a great weekend! You can always drink your 2-4 while gardening. Fall fast asleep in your posies. ;) Have fun - xox! Pam
Wow !Such a great post!!!! All those amazingly wonderful images! Hope you had fun!Thank you for the post!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Victoria Day to you! God, the traffic looks worse there than in L.A. California...although L.A. looks like that all the time.
enjoy your weekend...hug, hug
This is a great post, nostalgia, our holiday week this from now till next monday.
My first visit here..like your blog.
Dorothy from grammology
This was a fun post girlfriend, I love seeing the old pictures you get and it always takes me back when we use to picnic in the park and go boating every wkend. Cool holiday but I'd just go find a picnice basket. Hugs, Pearl
Wow ,that`s trafic for sure,
take care out there,
-wonderfull old photoes,thanks for showing, reminded me of childhood.
xo Dorthe
I love hearing about all these holidays (that are new to me) and terms like the 2-4.. Thanks so much for enlightening me..LOL.
Stopping by to say hello! Wishing you a fab day too :)
Love your post. Really had me reminiscing, and I don't even have a cabin up north.
good grief! and I thought our traffic was bad...... of course, staying home on long weekends is my idea of heaven anyway.....
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