Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Unknown said...

I am speechless!! Really, I can't figure out what this picture means...
It must take you hours to come up with some of these wonderful pics.
Great picture!!

PolkadotToadstool said...

You find some of the most unique pictures. I can't figure out what it means either, Dessa Rae. I'm guessing the "necklace" around the manequin's neck is probably a clue, but I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

LOl.. How wordless can this be!!!!
: ) Pattee

julie campbell said...

Well what can I say ! wordless indeed !!
and why does it creep me out so much !
julie xxx

Healing Woman said...

Hopefully, the woman in the picture is an actress, acting out for some cause. Her facial expression is disturbing. This one is perplexing.

yoborobo said...

Looks like performance art to me. :) What an interesting photo! You do find some gems. xox

Tristan Robin said...

I think it's some kind of street performance based on Mary and Child and an Angel.

AND I think it's awesome!

Sue said...

My take on this pic was also of street performers - Mary, child and angel sounds good *grin* (also takes the creepy factor out of this pic)

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Wha??? Kinda sad and well, sad looking, huh?

Abi said...

You post some brilliant pics Sue!!!
Hope you have a lovely weekend
Abi x

Vicki/Jake said...

Waiting for the next flight to Mars..

Textile and Stitch said...

Wordless is right! Very interesting...