I had a lovely visit with my Dad and it was so great to see him again! Unfortunately since the last time I had seen him, his health has really taken a downward turn. Very, very sad to see and it was hard to say goodbye, knowing the distance that separates us.

My Dad still lives on his own, however has homecare coming in three times a day to prepare his meals and give him his meds. He gets lonely as he is on the Sunshine coast in BC, a 40 minute ferry ride away from friends and other family. Thank goodness for Karmi, his little pooch!

Unfortunately, I did not see many of Vancouver's wonderful sites while I was visiting (spent 98% of my time with Dad in his home). I did spend time in his beautiful backyard however and watched the large assortment of birds that visited the many feeders he has.

I also enjoyed the beauty of his many flowers. His backyard was like a sanctuary, I could go to and just chill when the need arose
Dad can't drive anymore, and a couple of times we packed his walker, walking stick, some water, and a few other essentials in the car for a short drive. Karmi, who always went anywere with Dad when he was driving, was the first one in the car!

On Thursday of last week, I was out with Karmi for his morning walk and ventured down a very narrow path lined with blackberry bramble bushes.
Unbeknownst to me, the bushes on the left hand side of the path were growing out of a six foot deep storm drain - and the edge of the path dropped off dramatically. The bushes were so dense and thick, it was impossible to know that there was no solid ground on the left hand side.
I soon discovered why alot of the blackberries on the right hand side of the path were picked, but there were still a fair number of berries on the left hand side.
Spotting a very luscious looking berry on the left, I went to pick it, got too close to the edge (where ground became JUST brambles and air) and fell into the brambles. Considering my weight and the depth of the storm drain from which they were growing, I was trapped....head down, face up, on my back at an almost 90 degree angle.
So, with Karmi whining on the ledge (path) above me, gravity working against me, bramble thorns on everything I touched (and lay on), I was thinking this morning walk had turned into a bit of a disaster. I could NOT right myself and felt and looked like this.....

Fortunately, within about five minutes (it felt like 60!) a couple came along the path and fortunately, Karmi had a super long leash on. The man had the foresight to use the leash to haul/hoist me up. I returned to my Dad's
(after my legs stopped shaking), with my arms and hands covered in scratches and blood, and the back of one of my favorite tee shirts covered in squished blackberries and blood. My poor Dad! He was ready to give me 'what-for' for being longer than I said I would be (he didn't like me being out of the house for long) and then he took a look at me.
Suffice it to say, I have developed a strong adversion to blackberries
Oh Sue,
so happy nothing seriuesly happened to you, -but poor you, must have been painfull.
I can immagine it is difficult leaving your dad, as he is not able to fully take care of himself anymore,-the photoes from his garden are very beautifull.
Hugs, Dorthe
OMG, Sue! I would have been right there with you in the ditch! That sounds exactly like something that would happen to me. :) I am so glad you are okay! Damn blackberries. lol!
I know how you feel about your Dad. My mom is getting on, and I can see the changes in her almost weekly. I'm glad you had a nice visit with him, and I am super glad he has Karmi. :)
Welcome home! xox Pam
Hi Sue,
You were missed! So glad you found your way back after such a misadventure. Hope your scratches have healed.
Watching parents get older and frailer is difficult but even more so when so far away. Good thing your dad has Karni for company.
oh noes! That was far too close a call. I am very glad that you are safe.
I understand you with your father. My dad lives a long way away. I see him about once a year and everytime he just ages soo much it breaks my heart.
Glad to have you back Sue
<3 Michelle
Man! Black berries are my favorite fruit sorry you don't like them anymore :) That had to hurt like crazy. What a wonderful visit for your Dad and Karmi to see you. Your Dad's rose's are beautiful. Any time you give Dad now he will never forget. What a good daughter you are. Take care of them black berry bites, good to have you back! Hugs, Pearl
Oh Sue ! you had a really close call there, thank goodness those people went past when they did!!
I'm so glad though you had some quality time with your dad,it must be hard being so far from him,
julie xxx
oh my gosh Sue,
How scary!!!!! Thank goodness helped arrived soon. So glad you werent seriously hurt, it could have been a real disaster!
I still remember having to say goodbye to my Dad for the last time, That was 11 years ago. I knew I would never be seeing him again, one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I still cry about it. I miss him so, Cherish ever moment you have with your dad!
We just never know how much time any of us have!
hugs Lynn
Ohh poor Sue, how scared you must have been.
I hope the scratches are healed by now.
We missed you here but I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful time with your dad.
Welcome back from your bittersweet trip! I'm so glad you weren't badly hurt in your tangle with the blackberry bushes. Thank goodness for the couple who came along to help you! Yikes!
My heart goes out to you and your concern for your dear father. He looks like such a lovely man. I'm so glad you had a nice visit with him, and were able to make some new memories together.
I am so glad you are okay, it's a good think that couple came along. It was nice you got to come to our coast for a visit, and you should have had some decent weather. We've had a couple overcast days but mostly sunshine and mild temps.
I put another post up a few minutes ago with the pictures in it. I didn't think about it being a hotmail link..sorry.
Well glad you are back home and safe from the nasty Blackberries we grow here on the pacific coast.
Oh Poor you, I am glad it was not anything deeper though. Funny that you were due a scolding for being out too long from DAD and turning up hurt and getting forgiven must have made you feel like a child again.
Sue it was so bittersweet reading about your father and that lil dog. I miss my dad so much. And very glad your alright how frightening.
BTW your dolls are so incredibley beautiful.
Oh Sue, I'm sorry to hear about your blackberry disaster! This must have been painful and embarrassing.
It's great that your Dad has cute little Karmi to keep him company. I can imagine that it had been hard for you to leave your Dad.
Have a great Sunday!
Well I am glad to know someone else who gets themselves into a pickle.
I hope that you have now recovered from your skydiving practice... Not so good when there are brambles in the way. Choose a softer landing next time.
I hope that all your scratches have healed... did the stains come out of your lovely T-shirt.. It's always the favorites that get ruined, never the old stretched baggy ones... It's so anoying. For me, it makes all the embarrassment and indignity of a fall so much worse if a favorite item of clothing is ruined.. I even get upset if I ladder an expensive pair of tights!
Your dad looks a wonderful old chap, and you sound as if you have a lovely relationship with him, how I envy you, make the most of these precious times Sue and keep notes about the little nuances of his life so that you will be able to pass on these wonderful memories to your girls... and then on to their children.
I say make a note as I forget the little things so easily these days, I have even got to the stage of needing a shopping list... My daughter just laughs and say's it's because I'm old....help!
~ Julie
OMG! Thank goodness you're ok and that someone came to your rescue. I hope you are doing better and that you're healing well.
I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful time with your dad. His flowers look really beautiful!
Welcome back!
~ Evelyn
Ohh Sue...what a story, I am glad you got rescued but I do understand about developing a dislike for Blackberries, about 20 years ago, I had an accident at a salad bar, because of a kiwi slice...imagine that, it has cost me several thousand dollars, surgery and pain because I broke a front tooth...long story, but I can't see a kiwi without thinking about that day.
I ended up with a tooth implant!
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