Spring has sprung! Do I want to sit in my small, windowless basement studio and work? No.
After the snows of Winter,
and the rain showers of early Spring,

My muse seems to have deserted me. I'm sure she is out skipping through the meadows with some of my fellow artists muses that also seem to have taken a slight leave of absence.

Well, me too! me too! The weather is beautiful, sunny and warmer every day. I want to do some fun stuff outdoors, like
go on a picnic with my family.

Hang out and relax with friends

Maybe take my pet for a walk...

Most of all, I just want to get out and enjoy nature's rebirth,
re-energize myself, and then, I will return to my small,
windowless, basement room (feel sorry for me yet? LOL).
Today that is what I did, spent a good part of the day outside, enjoying the weather and the birds singing. Had lunch on the porch with hubby, took my puppy for a walk, and then just sat on the porch some more. Total non productive day, except I do feel slightly recharged.
Once again, most of the pics I used in this post are from Shorpy.com
Sounds like what I'm doing! I love when we have a nice day... I don't want to be stuck away in my studio!!!
What a wonderful looking dog you have! What kind is she/he???
Hi Pattee, Finley is a softcoated wheaten. He's our boy (and in even though this pic is not from today, he once again looks like this and is in desperate need of a haircut).
Love the new look of your blog....so you could change your template without anything disappearing? Very cool...
Hi Julie, thank you! I really like it too and it was super easy. I just copied some code from The Cutest Blog On the Block.com (see upper left corner) and pasted it where they said on my layout setting. I tried about 10 different ones and liked this one best.
OOh, I like your new blog look, too :) Haha, I love all of the pics, especially the lady "walking her bunny" and you and your dog! Wow Sue you are a cutie pie! :)
Glad you decided to follow your muses to the great outdoors :)
This post is an absolute winner!
Of course, as everybody knows, I'm a real fan of old photos - but these are really something else! And you've incorporated them into your tale so well!
and enjoy your day - no matter WHAT you do or how you spend it!
ooh, your day sounds wonderful Sue :]. It's nice to remember that we are not robots sometimes. Your picture is so cute!
Are you still going to swap the work rooms? I think that would make you feel 10 times better. Let me know if you would like any designing assistance ;].
I feel ya... only my muse in clanging around in my head so stinkin' fast, that by the time I get to working, I am utterly exhausted! C'mon spring already!
on a side note... when you get Finley's hair cut... send it my way, and I will spin you up some doll hair! (I am serious about this!) I have always wanted to "spin the dog", and he has lovely hair!
you deserve the break! go soak up a little more spring and refill that well of yours ... we'll still be around when your muse finds her way home. :)
I am so glad you are finally getting some nice weather. I am having a hard time being inside myself. I set up a place on my porch and that is where I am working right now. I love it! We are having the best spring. I also love the new look of your blog! I second that, have some fun!
Oh, it sounds like you had a wonderful day! Isn't it funny how sometimes it really can feel like work, but ya gotta love it!
Sandra Evertson
P.S. Love the photo essay!
Sounds like a fun day! You do such a great job with the pictures on your site! I really like that last one! :)
What you are really saying is that one is not going to want to be working in their studio in the upcoming nice weather and will be wishing that one had prepared more items in the winter months??? Why do I make this mistake every year!??? (but I did read a lot of good books!)
What beautiful pictures. And your's too! you are so beautiful Sue and you have wonderful smile. How long does it take to brush your dog? Wow, he's neat!
Thank you everyone for your sweet comments on my new blog look and also on the pictures.
I'll try and answer the questions:
Jess, yes, I still want to swap rooms and I definitely may call on you! Hee
Dani, Finley is going in to be groomed this Saturday, I'll try and get the hair (it should be about 4" in length).
Linda, I have no idea cause I do it every year too.
Denise, it takes awhile which is why he is such a mess right now because he hasn't been brushed regularly like he should be. He also has hair instead of fur (makes him better for people with allergies), and just like human hair it can mat. :(
Good for you getting outside. Your dog is adorable :)
Wherever did you find the wonderful photos? I enjoyed them so much. That rabbit on a rope going for a walk just killed me. I think it's wonderful that you took a day and enjoyed the big outdoors. BTW your pup is adorable! Thanks for sharing Sue. Now back to the basement...LOL
Some vintage photos when I post are from my own collection, and some are from Shorpy.com which is an incredible vintage photo blog. I've been following it for several years and it is one of my fave blogs. When I grab
photos from there I will link to the
Shorpy site at the bottom of my post.
Sue I absolutely love these types of posts with all the pictures and little stories underneath.
You, madam are gorgeous. You have such big beautiful eyes.
Have a great weekend.
Love Renee xoxo
this has got to be one of my fave photo/slide shows ever...GREAT use of the photos to talk of your journey out of winter and into the spring. ;)
(and what a cute dog!!!)
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