Friday, April 17, 2009

A Very Special Award

The Renee Award

All awards are special and great fun to give. The Renee award is relatively new and was created by Bella and Ces in honour of their friend Renee, an incredible lady who in the face of a frightening life battle is tackling each day with great spirit and courage. Please check out the blogs of these three creative ladies.

I have been honoured by the beautiful Zan of Wild At Heart Art who has passed this award on to me. Thank you so much Zan!

Here is what Bella says of this award:

"this is a brand new award and I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds it's way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak, giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns..."

In accepting this award, my task is to now pass it on to eight other deserving bloggers who I feel fulfill the same qualities asthe little acorn and the tall sturdy oak who is constantly giving back. I call this a task, because how to I decide on which eight? So, so many of the bloggers I regularly follow qualify. This is extremely tough!

In no particular order, here are the 8 I wish to pass this award on to:

Marilyn Radzat As Seen Through My Eyes
♥ Tristan Enchanted Revelry
♥ Baroness Baroness Bijoutery
♥ Lezlei Breath of Art
♥ Denise DLynne Art Dolls

Thank you once again Zan, for this very special award!


Baroness Bijoutery said...

Thank you Sue..this means alot to me..You are a beautiful person and I am so glad we have met here in the Land of Blog...Thank you again.

Denise said...

Thank you Sue. You are so wonderful and it's like magic how you always seem to know the right times to cheer me up. I feel honored you thought of me. Your soooo sweet!

julie said...

Congratulations Sue...and congrats to those ladies you've passed it on to...! I've visited their blogs and you certainly chose well!

Kims Art said...

Thank you so much! I also recieved this award yesterday from another blog friend. I just feel so special! LOL!

Sue said...

As I said in the body of my post, it was next to impossible to decide who to give it too. Eight choices is just not enough. All the blogs I follow are special, so I basically just ran my finger down, starting at the top. LOL

Tristan Robin said...

Congratulations on receiving the award - and thanks so much for passing it on to me! I love what the award is about, and I'm honoured to receive it!

Thanks, again.

Nun of a Kind! said...

Congratulations on winning this lovely award! As usual, very deserved!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you surely deserve this award as does does all these other wonderful artists!!! : )

Zan Asha said...

Yes, the awards are well deserved! Big hugs, Sue!

As Seen Thru My Eyes said...

Thank you, Sue
I love oaks and acorns and I love that you would think of me with this award. It's still crazy here with the kids bouncing off the walls so I'll have to take a few days before I can participate in passing this award on.
Sending you sweet aloha, Marilyn

3rdEyeMuse said...

Such a sweet award - congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sue! :)