Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Tristan Robin said...

talk about a stiff upper lip!


fabulous photo.

Anonymous said...

Wow!Great photo!

angela recada said...

Everything is better with a cup of coffee or tea, I guess. Wow.

Terri Kahrs said...

Awesome photo, Sue! Not a word is necessary! Hugs, Terri xoxo

Healing Woman said...

I have felt that way before but never have "been" that way. I'm having a definite pause right now.

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Pearl said...

Very thought provoking.

Nun of a Kind! said...

No matter what kind of a mess you are in, coffee seems to make it all a little better....

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue! The background seems sad but it is a great vintage photo.

pinkglitterfae said...

I like this. When everything is crumbling around you, have a cup of coffee. Coffee makes everything better, lol!

thanks for stopping by my blog...I hope people don't think the film is one of those graphic ones, it sounds like it is a hopeful and inspiring one, that will help open people's eyes. I've been thinking about this for a while, and it's just gotten harder to ignore the plight of factory farm animals.
Guess I need to learn to cook, lol!

Dorthe said...

This relly tells everything, without words, a fantastic photo.

xo Dorthe

harem6 said...

Wonderful photograph! It has so much sadness and calm...

Unknown said... definitely don't need any words for this picture..

Vicki/Jake said...

DANG...I left a comment then went to the other post, left one there but didn't remember doing the silly word thing here. So... I think I said cool picture you found...or something like that..
Now you know my opinion of the word thingys...grrrr

AGH, I almost did it again!